

July 2019


Two Eclipses in July - What does that mean to you?

The Universe uses eclipses to flash the lights on and off to get your attention. These momens of suspended light can yank you up by the roots, stand your hair on end in surprise, or blast you off your butt. You will not be unaffected. You WILL be transforming. What you have been doing WILL be eclipsed and replaced by what you are about to do. No matter what the eclipse, expect to blink and everything has changed.

Solar eclipses link to the father or masculine; Lunar eclipses link to the mother or feminine. Solar eclipses bring new beginnings and bright new opportunities.They are exciting, positive, and bring news out of the blue. Lunar eclipses bring final endings. They activate awareness of the passage of time, and thus can stir sentimentality. A full moon lunar eclipse is almost always an emotional time. Memories and dreams are stirred up in your consciousness.

Here are 10 things you can expect:

1. Big news! Births, engagements, marriages, promotions, breakthroughs, travel, contracts, new business that transforms the current business. Moving, getting or losing a pet, a health challenge, graduating school, new course of study, publishing a book, meetings, and career changes. There may also be divorce, death, or partings. These are turning points.

2. Every new beginning is some other beginning's end. You will cross a bridge and then blow it up. You are not going back, so don't look over your shoulder. You WILL move forward instantly, and the unfolding ramifications will play out over a period of months. There is no chance of reversing the changes. You cannot undo this change like you cannot uncut your hair. It's done. Look forward to what's coming next.

3. Some random event in your periphery will be revealed. You can't prevent it, but you can choose how to land. Tuck and roll! You're gonna be OK, but it is likely to sting a little bit at first. NOTE: Even if you can stop it, don't. Trust me. It's time for eclipsing that whole scene or this wouldn't be happening.

4. Time is going to get weird. Things you thought you had time for will all of a sudden come down to right this red hot minute. Yes, the Universe has hit fast forward. Do not whine. Hold on and yell "Wheee!" Keep your calendar kind of clear to be able to deal with unexpected events.

5. Truth will step in front of your moving vehicle. You may be surprised or even shocked, but welcome the information. You will know what to do with it. This may include seeing the truth about a person. Such truths are not always pretty. Again, once you know, you'll know what to do.

7. There will be dramatic shifts. Stay flexible and ready. If an eclipse happens within five days of your birthday - OR EXACTLY OPPOSITE YOUR BIRTHDAY - guard your health. The following year will bring you a massive lifestyle change.

8. Avoid issuing ultimatums or making threats. The ancient astrologers wrote that if you act under an eclipse, your plan would not work out the way you expect, and it will likely not be to your advantage. Do not hire anyone under an eclipse. Wait two weeks.

9. The four eclipses in each year will arrive in the same degree, sign, and precise day as those that came by nineteen years earlier. Where were you in 2000 and what was happening then?

10. All eclipses have a second act. It may take you a couple of weeks to figure out what is going on. Because things will be in a state of flux, change will allow you to create what you want, where if everything was locked down it would be much harder. It is always easiest to make change in the midst of chaos. As my teacher taught me, first, you unstick the refrigerator from the floor, THEN you can move it.


Trust Your Feelings About Angry Smiles!

Hidden hostility is still hostility. When you have folks in your life who hide their true feelings, and then expect you to be satisfied with their masks, know that they are feeding you poison and call it by name. Reveal the glamour for the true feelings and return to better relationships. When YOU are the one putting on the nice face, then you can start with reaching for the fresh air truth brings. Passive Aggression (PA) is a piss poor excuse for truth and boundaries.

Here are 10 red flag statements to help you know your feelings are right on track:

1. "I'm not mad."

Denying feelings of anger is classic passive aggressive behavior. It's like denying you're asleep when someone calls at 2AM. JUST TELL THEM…straight out! They will not eat you. They are not bears.

2. "Fine. Whatever."

Sulking and withdrawing from arguments are standard PA strategies. People do this because they believe that expressing their anger for God and everyone to see will only make things worse.

3. "I'm coming!"

PA people will say yes to a request, but then delay doing it because they didn't want to do it in the first place and didn't have the cojones to tell you.

4. "I didn't know you meant now."

Likewise, PA folks are master procrastinators. They want to teach you better than to ask them next time.

5. "You just want everything to be perfect."

When PA folks can't just delay doing what you want, they will do a crappy job to show you who is really in charge here. They do it, but they do it intentionally to irritate you, and then accuse you of being OCD.

6. "I thought you knew."

Another alternative is to simply "forget" or "not know" and then to celebrate your frustration because they are the boss and you forgot when you commanded them to do something they didn't want to do.

7. "Sure, I'd be happy to."

PA folks will win the game one way or another, whether that is to your face or behind your back. Expect spit in your food, knives in your back, and your hard drive erased.

8. "You've done so well for someone with your education level."

Snarky comments are smiling anger too.

9. "I was only joking."

Sarcasm is a hidey hole.

10. "Why are you getting so upset?"

PA people love to share the wealth and scatter the blame. When you rage in response, they win, and point out to others that they were right about you all along.

The key to resolving all PA issues is to call it by name. Say aloud TO THEM, not to someone not involved, "I am angry about your lack of support" or whatever it is. If you don't you will get more of the same. Until you respect yourself enough to provide honest responses and demand honest interaction, you will be played like a puppet. Know that they want to avoid confrontation, so pick your battles to be in person where you can hold onto them as you look them in the eyes and…

  1. Hold them accountable or you perpetuate their behavior.
  2. Stop apologizing. Unless you did something wrong, don't apologize.
  3. Put your needs first.
  4. Don't play the game.
  5. Confront the issue.

The Holly Moon of Turning Life Around

The Holly Moon Feng Shui Workshop & Practical Magic Workshop will turn your attention to the halfway point of the year. Are you well on your way to achieving this year's goals? Feng Shui & Moon Magic is here to prepare you for the back half of the year, starting with Feng Shui Workshop for the Holly Moon of July 2nd, and then with your intentional witchy-crafting on the last Sunday of the month, July 28th. You will have your Feng Shui and witchy-crafts complete and set to go by the New Moon of August 1st.

At the Feng Shui Workshop for the Holly Moon, on the second Sunday, July 14th, we will identify Feng Shui adjustments you can make to retarget Career and Life Path chi; grant your long held yearnings for growth in the Knowledge and Self-Improvement gua; pull out all the stops in your Creativity gua; anchor your Health and Well-Being in the heart of your home; and then celebrate the Holly King's darkening days as the Sun begins to "Fall" towards the Autumn equinox by activating the Fire of the Red Phoenix to expand your vision into the future.

Due to so many requests for more Feng Shui & Moon Magic fun, I am adding new and original activities and information to extend the wisdom of Feng Shui & Moon Magic ten years after its original publication. Join us live in Houston or online from anywhere. The Feng Shui workshop is informational. The crafting half of the Holly Moon's Magic will be at the Practical Magic Workshop on Sunday, July 28th. Restore your sanity with some relaxing witchy-crafting! Both are video recorded in case you can't attend live.

  • Ritual to Reanimate Frozen Dreams in the Fire of Summer
  • True Heart Art to Activate Being True to Yourself
  • Baking Bread for Lammas Night Feasting

This year-long double dose of learning will take you through my book Feng Shui & Moon Magic and a year of practice making magic happen. One workshop for $30 or both for $54. Register at https://www.tomorrowskey.com/FengShuiWorkshops.html.

Feng Shui & Moon Magic is $25 and its Complementary Compendium is $20. They are both available on Amazon at bit.ly/TKBooks

More information here

Feng Shui Fun On The Run PRO Blog Free Sample:

Fresh Front Door

The front door, like your mouth, should be fresh, smiling, and welcoming. The environment in which you live, move, and have your being, is a living entity. It is an extension of you. You must be somewhere in order to be at all. You cannot even imagine yourself into nowhere. Floating in the middle of the ocean or outer space, you would still have coordinates that identify where you are. You choose your spot. And you create its energy field by your own.

Pristine paint, sparkling glass, and shining hardware speak of intentional staging of higher level frequencies. There is not a scuff, a spider web, nor a wasp nest on this paint. The glass in the overhead light is clean and clear without a single bug body or a burned out bulb. The black of the metal is solid and rust-free. The lock and handle of the door are highly polished brass, as is the kick plate. The brass in the windows makes a serious statement about not being the soft lead usually found in mullions. All three sidelight windows have the shiny gold brass veins, defining this entrance as rich, which is certainly seconded by the choice of royal aubergine (eggplant) as the paint color!

The clean doormat bears no message except tread easy here. The brass kick plate is underscored by a brass threshold, that is mirrored beneath both sidelights, although no one’s foot will ever tread there. No dirt or dust is seen on the threshold. The fractured surface of the porch is a bit unsettling, but it appears to be perfectly level and solid. A woman in stiletto heels might notice the uneven surface, but only if she placed a pivotal weight into a grout line.

SPECIAL NOTE: At the top right side of the door is seen a small brass element known as a mezuzah. Mezuzahs identify Jewish homes. They hold an inscribed piece of parchment on which is written that they love God, believe only in Him, keep his commandments, and pass this on their children. The mezuzah is affixed to the right side of the door as one enters a room, regardless of which side the doorknob is on. It should be placed at the lower part of the top third of the doorpost, which is generally about eyeball height for a six-foot-tall person. It is affixed at a slant, with the lower part of the container toward you as you face the right doorpost. This mezuzah is affixed too high up, but it is there, and that is the most important part for this family.

CURES: Staging your front door to call in opportunity and abundance is something you are responsible for doing, just as you are responsible for taking a bath and dressing professionally to prepare to go to work. This is like setting the table for dinner. You can choose to place only silverware, napkins, and salt and pepper on your table, and you can also choose to have a tablecloth, add flowers, and light candles. The choice is always yours. So is the dining experience. When folks only enter their home through the garage, it is like sleeping on the sofa instead of your bed. The front door is the mouth of the environment. Every day, the owner of the house must go out and in this door for the house to identify itself as belonging to that person, because that person is feeding it. If that person is the 9-year old who walks the dog, then the house belongs to that youngster. To whom does your house belong?


Enjoy learning about Feng Shui? Want more?

Know what you're walking into wherever you go when you subscribe to Feng Shui mini-lessons. This blog is written fresh and delivered straight to your email box, every day except Christmas. Discover ways to sweeten your own Feng Shui, whether at home or at work! Subscribe for only $15/month at http://bit.ly/Subscribe2FSFOTR.

Catch up on all the Feng Shui continuing education that you've missed with my books and calendars. They are all available on Amazon.com at http://bit.ly/TrishaKeelBooks


Garden Magic

Elementals range in size from sub-atomic to more vast than galactic space, changing size as they evolve. They are living entities which sometimes resemble humans in shape but who inhabit a world of their own. They are affected by human thought and will materialize in response to the vibrational resonance they experience. They take their orders from the Devas, but are fully aware of humans and exist to serve them and the Earth.

They have etheric bodies which live, eat, act, propagate, and rest. They are not immortal. When their work is finished they are absorbed back into the ocean of their Element. They have a collective spirit, not an individualized soul.

Your garden may be a vast acreage or a few simple containers on a porch. No matter the size, the life of the garden is enhanced by the Elementals. Here are some reminders of ways you can support the gnomes, sylphs, undines and salamanders in your sacred space:

  1. Create a fairy house by turning a clay pot on its side or hanging a birdhouse in a tree. The gnomes prefer to stay close to the ground so hang it low.
  2. Hang windchimes, banners, and mobiles in your garden to give the sylphs something to play with. When the chimes ring you know they are with you.
  3. Include a water feature. Even a birdbath or bowl of water for your pet has its own nymph. Add statues of undines to charm them with beauty.
  4. Build a fire pit or keep a barbeque grill in your garden area. Honor the salamanders by taking good care of your fire feature. Neglect pisses them off.
  5. Add a gnome statue, stone angel, or other whimsy tucked next to a plant.
  6. Feed the birds to tickle the sylphs. Hummingbirds feeders get extra points.
  7. Remember what Shakespeare said: “Where ferns are, faeries be.” Plant ferns!
  8. Leave offerings in the garden for the Elementals - a pretty stone for the gnomes, a feather for the sylphs, a warm berry for the salamanders, pour a bit of wine at the base of a tree for the undines. They love natural treasures!
  9. Play classical music in your garden, especially Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.
  10. Plant butterfly and hummingbird favorites: lantana, hammelia, buddleia.

You must spend time in your garden or risk insulting your Elemental friends.


This is an excerpt from a Practical Magic Workshop focusing on the Elementals. Learn about the gnomes of the Earth, the undines of the Water, the sylphs of the Air, and the salamanders of the Fire. Order the entire workshop audio and materials at https://www.tomorrowskey.com/PracticalMagicWorkshops.html. Order three and SAVE!


Hungry to be Heard?

There is more to conversation than being talked at. Unless you FEEL heard you can't feel FELT. The world just goes on without acknowledging you. Sometimes you can get so hungry for that feeling of connection that you begin to fade away. Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you need to be heard? Sometimes, just a 15 to 30 minute conversation can restore you to balance. How about a little visit? Let's talk about what you're up to and what your plan is. I'm here to encourage, enlighten, and empower you.

Call 713-952-5429 to schedule your private coaching session with me today. More information at http://bit.ly/TKCoaching.


When you recognize that an animal is in your current experience, you often simply "know" that it has meaning for you. It is best that you figure out what there message is yourself, but, in case you are completely at a loss, here is a soft go-by for 10 common animal messengers:

1. Owl - When you hear the hoots, you know you are in owl's hunting ground. They are the only birds that make NO sound when flying, so you won't hear whatever is coming in your life. You must use your eyes, see even in the dark, and listen very, very carefully to know what is coming. The main thing to do is be honest with yourself that you know what is coming. There may be danger, but they may also bring an omen of great success. If you have a message from owl, react quickly.

2. Spider - When you find a spider in your space, know that this is a friend who is protecting you and bringing good luck. You will soon have news that changes everything. If you find a web, a friend from the past is reaching across etheric energies to reach out to you. You will know who this is.

3. Cat - When your attention lands on an unexpected cat, it is an omen that it is important now for you to listen to your heart. Use every hair on your head as an antenna to receive incoming information. Listen to your head too, then using both the heart and the head, make your move.

4. Crow / Raven - Black birds are the personification of truth. Prepare yourself to learn something that will change your point of view. Your memory must expand to include new possibilities.

5. Deer - Grace walks into your life on the hooves of a deer. Keep your head up, stand tall, shoulders back, and face your problems knowing that you cannot be held back by ugliness.

6. Rabbit - Rabbits are sensitive to beauty and frequencies. When a rabbit comes into your awareness, trust your own judgement and know that blessings are unfolding.

7. Lizard - If you notice a lizard in your life, it is there to alert you that you need to pay more attention to your dreams. Set a tablet next to your bed and journal your dreams. You are about to discover an important truth. Your work is blessed by the Divine.

8. Snake - Wisdom wraps around you and protects you from ignorance whenever a snake comes to visit. You are given more than wisdom, you are given the power to implement that wisdom too.

9. Dragonfly - Dragonflies symbolize dreams coming true. They are physical manifestations of support for you through Nature, which is immortal.

10. Ladybug - Tiny but mighty, the little ladybug symbolizes the conquering of life over death and good over evil. She will start by bringing joy. If a ladybug lands on you, you will smile and know that she brings a light heart wherever she goes.


Magical Moments

Relationships require attention in the forms of time, thought, energy, and action. To nurture the bond of love and affection, one must also intentionally include imagination and magic.

Consider what was required to set up the vignette shown here. The location would have to be sited. The timing of the tides and calm of the winds would have to be considered long before hauling furniture out into this promontory point. The time and place must be created in your mind before they can come together to stage such an event.

The furniture chosen is quite heavy, so a strong person or two would be needed to carry them from the truck out here to set up. The champagne, stand, bucket, and towel must be positioned to chill before the couple arrives. The lanterns would be lit to guide their steps.

The couple must schedule this time together, dress for it, and arrive here together. The white linen napkins, rose, and candle on the table would welcome them to be seated. Their meal would be served hot and the wine poured chilled - perhaps by the guy who helped carry the furniture?

Imagine their experience of the smells and sounds of the Water. Their view of the Water would surround each other in their eyes. The softness of the air and tastes of the meal would add to their experience here. Their waiter would discretely disappear as they dined, to return later to clear everything away before the tide turns and takes it all away.

Every moment here will be sparked by the honesty and integrity of their words and emotions. He leans towards her; she pauses to receive what he is saying. They aren’t discussing laundry or bills. If this were you and your lover, what would you want to hear? Set the stage for those words. Feed the magic of the moment with the power of your mind.


Want more magic in your life? My brand new book, Making Life Magical, helps you create every day as FUNday! Now available on Amazon.com at bit.ly/TrishaKeelBooks for only $20!


The Mysteries Revealed

Curious about all the history, mystery, and magic you see me playing with every day? Come have lunch with me and I'll tell you some stories about all these things you're curious about. Starting July 12th, we will begin the second half of the Russian noblewoman, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's Isis Unveiled. This volume focuses on Theology - the study of the nature of the Divine. This will include church miracles, sorcery, pagan beliefs, gods and goddesses of myths, the mysteries of the Gnostics, the murder of Hypatia, the meaning of the alpha and the omega, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, secret Masonic ciphers, the zodiac, the devil, magic, and much more!

Join me Fridays online for lunch and learn to see that nothing is as it appears to be. You will be amazed at how what we study pops up in your daily life. Only $60/month. All materials delivered as PDFs. Register at bit.ly/TKMysteries


Certified Feng Shui Practitioner Training

If you are feeling the tug to grow, it may be time to prepare for your own back to school. Here is a life-altering training for you to consider.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more
painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin

It is not just your imagination when you are creeped out in a place. It is your awareness. That is part of your survival instinct. It should be honored and your awareness should be increased. When you can transform the energy in your own place, you can transform the energy at your office, in your car, and for other folks too.

We will honor all of your senses and then extend your awareness through divination. You'll douse using pendulums and dowsing rods. You'll consult the ancient I Ching. You will begin a new level of communication with Nature to anchor the ancient law of As Above, So Below in all you do. You will know far more about what you're stepping into that you could with a simple phone interview. And you can use these skills in many places and in many ways.

You will step out the very first day of class and right into your first professional consultation. There will be techniques and tools that ease your transition into your new career. You'll join many other professional consultants in our private Facebook group and have chances to work with them in your training.

Because Tomorrow's Key is a Gold Level School, the International Feng Shui Guild will allow you to test immediately for status as a Red Ribbon Professional, instead of having to wait a year. You will also have a life-long listing on my website in my Directory of Feng Shui Professionals.

Care to join us? The next scheduled Professional Feng Shui Practitioner Workshop will be August 19-23. Due to popular request, I now offer an entirely NEW OPTION: One-on-One Training On Demand! Simply choose the week you'd like to train and call me to set up the dates! Tuition payment plans are available. For more information, please visit http://bit.ly/ProFSTraining or call 713-952-5429


The Art of Living Begins July 18

Unless you can control your thoughts and emotions, they will control you. When you are done with where you are now and ready to take 100% responsibility for your choices, I am here to walk with you through my own unique and original workshop: The Art of Living Your Life. This online training lasts about six months and gives you one-on-one support for changing the life you're living now into the life you've always dreamed of. By Christmas, you can be living the life of your dreams. GUARANTEED.

Imagine having graduated school knowing how to master your mind, believe in yourself, and make the choices that support your goals. Bring your mature tween or teen along at no additional charge with your paid tuition. Classes are recorded in case you have to miss one. Only $60/month. Register at http://bit.ly/TKArtOfLiving


Tomorrows Key 5223 Mimosa Drive Bellaire, Texas 77401 United States (713) 952-5429